Bandit Bounties Event Guide - Dulfy Reborn (2024)

A guide to the new bandit bounties events added with the May 17 patch.


  • 1 Getting Started
  • 2 Champion Bandit Locations
  • 3 Achievements

Getting Started

First you will need to hunt down some bandits so they drop someEncoded Orders for you. If you are unsure of where the bandits are,NW of Brisban Wildlands has several bandit camps that are in closeproximity.

Once you have the Encoded Orders, head to Shining Blade Officer Ralan inDivinity’s Reach – [&BCkDAAA=]. Talk to him and he will give you abounty contract to hunt down one of the five possible Bandits. Doubleclick on that contract and it will point you to the location for thebounty.

Each bounty is a Champion Bandit that spawns with an event every 10 minsso just wait at the spot until the champion spawns. Their spawn locationis marked by a Supply Crate so you will know you are at the right spotif you see a supply crate nearby.

Completing the first bounty contract will unlock several achievements tohunt down all 5 Champion bandits as well as a repeatable achievementthat takes 3 days to complete.

Champion Bandit Locations

Each Champion Bandit spot is marked by a Supply Crate and they have a 10minute respawn timer.

Vic the Iron – Eastern Divinity Dam (Queensdale)

  • North of [&BIUAAAA=]

Zirh the Venomous – Clayent Falls (Queensdale)

  • West of [&BIwGAAA=]

Ruye the Crimson – NW of Fort Salma (Kessex Hills)

  • NW of [&BAMAAAA=]

Flyrra the Remorseless – NW of Gnashar’s Hill (Brisban Wildlands)

  • West of [&BFEAAAA=]

Aerl the Silent – Highwayman’s Vale (Brisban Wildlands)

  • SW of [&BDcDAAA=]


There are 3 achievements related to the bandits. They can be found underGeneral –> Current Events.

Tip of the Blade – 5 AP

  • Completed immediately after you completed your first bounty order.

Long Arm of the Light – 15 AP

  • Kill all 5 Champion Bandits

Bounty Hunter – 5 AP (Repeatable)

  • It will take 3 days to complete this achievement as you can only get 1 Encoded Orders per day (hence 1 contract per day). You cannot progress this achievement the first day since you used the Encoded Orders to unlock the achievement.

Archived Disqus comments

  • Ardenwolfe

    Bless you for these guides!

    • EvilStepQueen

      Plus a million more up votes. Dulfy makes my life easier!

  • fabry92

    anothers boring achivements with 0 rewards :/

    • narg

      nah, its fun, even in zerg, its take only few mins to completeand give few AP, not big deal but i take it as celebration ofevery new patch run 😀

      what is sad things, even this MICRO events take 2 hotfixs andclient reboot/crash, for gods sake, anet, u have 3!! years ofgame developing experience

      • clonedllama

        These patches are doing a lot more than just adding tinyevents. Software development, and especially gamedevelopment, is very complicated and involved. You willnever find a game or piece of software that is bug free.

        ArenaNet was also founded in 2000. They’ve been developinggames since then. So, um, a bit more than 3 years ofdevelopment experience.

        • narg

          i mean 3 years of GW2 development, and still, i cantremember single patch which was without problems, I justsuppose, if i have something, what can crash entire gameservet i will have it tested first.. :/

          • Hemmer van Ukzahn

            You can never test all eventualities though, that’sthe point. If you’ve got a raelly huge QAdepartment, you’ll have maybe a few hundred hardwareconfigurations and a few software configurations youcan test and that’s highly optimistic.

            When there are millions of people playing your gamein several thousands of different setups, you WILLsee results you didn’t in testing. That’s justcommon sense.

            And the same goes for every hotfix to fix theproblems that come from the last, you’re alwaysalmost as likely to create new problems than fix oldones.

            Yay software development!

          • Doublemint Dave

            They started developing GW2, so it’s closer to 9years, although the company has grown considerablysince then and a lot of developers have changed.

            • Doublemint Dave

              *started developing GW2 in 2007

          • Sty

            You can’t fully test new events before release andit wouldn’t be in the same conditions than in thereal game anyway. Basically, you can test newcontent all the time you want, there won’t be anyguarantee that your new build is bug-free.

            So it’s better to test it efficiently but beprepared to do some fixes when problems arise if youwant to release new content on a regular basis.

        • Ivan

          explain then, why some developers produce bug-freegames, or games that don’t need patching, versusdevelopers like Ubish*t and Asshatnet patching day 1,day 365, day 1000+, etc. for stuff that should’ve been(easily) fixed week 1. game development is difficult,but developers are paid to produce a product – nowadaysit’s acceptable to produce sh*t and still get paid forit, and keep getting paid to fix it after the deadline.what f*cking profession offers so much breathing roomfor bullsh*t??

          all I see are excuses. I have been on game developmentteams before, and no matter how many ways you approachthe issue, it’s entirely the developers’ fault (andtheir owners for pushing deadlines for that matter, eventhen they should be producing better material than theyhave been)

          • pwn-a-troll

            You obviously have no idea what you are talkingabout.

            1) No developers product bug free code for anything remotely complex.\2) You are kidding if you think this is the only profession that peoplemake mistakes and get paid for it.\3) If you worked on a game development team before, and that is a bigif, then I am sure you were the employee emptying trash cans. (Not thatthere is anything wrong with an honest days work)

            • Ivan

              you sure put the “troll” in pwn-a-troll lol

              I don’t need to prove my credentials to someclown on the internet who knows less about gamedevelopment than I do, this may not be the onlyprofession that makes mistakes (hell, peoplemake mistakes all the time), but this is theonly profession where it’s industry standard toproduce sh*t and get paid to fix it, that isdefinitely not the case for most professions, ifany other. could you imagine? “ok, I’d like ourlogo in blue, can you design something likethat? oh its in red? oh no problem, I’ll pay youmore money to make it blue like I originallytold you”

              you are the kind of person no one should everhire, there is room for mistakes but thereshould never be room to lower the industrystandard to your level.

              • pwn-a-troll

                You surely are amusing and wrong. I can nameendless industries that produce the samelevel of mistakes as the gaming industry orsoftware industry as a whole. You also canthrow out your b.s. about your experiencevs. mine or lowering the industry standardto my level and whatever other nonsense thatspews from your mouth. However, I know whereI work and what I make so your substandardattempt at insulting me matters about asmuch as the spit that accumulates at theback of my throat when I eat somethingsalty.\Your comments or nonsense. First of all, youpaid for the game once. You aren’tcontinuing to pay for these patches on thegame. You could be buying skins or keys orwhatever have you to improve yourexperience; however, that is your choice.But you certainly aren’t continuing to payfor the game. But hey continue to trash talkfrom your moms basem*nt since it makes youfeel more like a man. Make sure when sheyells it is dinner time you take a break togo get your mac n cheese.

              • RabbitUp

                You really have zero clue, don’t you? It’sactually more time and money efficient torelease a patch and let the communitydiscover potential bugs (and quite ofteneven the steps to reproduce them) and thenfix them, instead of having your team wastehours and hours testing everything to makesure no bugs made it into the code, hoursthat could be used to develop the upcomingcontent. They are not paid to be lazy, theyare paid to make content, and bug-fixing isnot content.

          • clonedllama

            I don’t have an explanation because what you want meto describe does not exist. There is no such thingas a “bug-free game” or a game that “[doesn’t]need patching.” Period. If you believe otherwise,you’re greatly mistaken.

            Many developers release a single patch for theirgames and then leave it at that. Others never botherto patch their games at all. Other games are in suchterrible states that fans have made custom patchesjust to make the games playable (e.g., Dark Souls:Prepare to Die Edition on PC is still broken andrequires fan patches just to get it to sort of work,or anything developed by Bethesda).

            ArenaNet is nowhere near the worst when it comes toreleasing products with bugs in them. ANet isactually doing quite well in that regard if youcompare what they’re doing to other developers.Games are incredibly complicated pieces of softwareand MMOs are by far the most complex type of gamethat can be developed.

            Yes, bugs slip through into releases and it can leadto things not working right. It sucks, I agree.There are so many moving pieces and changes in thecode for games like this (especially a game that isconstantly adding new content and features — nomatter how minor) that bugs will always slip throughor be given a low priority over more criticalproblems. Welcome to MMOs, online gaming, andsoftware development.

    • EvilStepQueen

      Maybe it’s going to add up to a reward in the end. We shall haveto wait and see.

    • Karen

      AP is the main reward of most achievements, you fool.

  • Sagiso 鷺草

    Thanks for the guide! Quite the peculiar placement of those champs.A straight line from DR to Fort Vandal. I’m excited :3

  • Alot

    I think the shining blades correspondent has a total-makeover face –which would make him the most interesting development of the currentshenanigans.

  • Mr. Bungle

    Thanks Dulfy!

  • Aerinndis Athyrium

    Queensdale right at Vale WP has bandits very nearby in the cave orthe event in the farmers field. I got my Encoded Orders on the thirdbandit.

  • Raz

    Seems like it’s getting popular to just say\f*ck.

    In these discus threads.

  • Skippy the Chimp

    Got two orders the first day. The first off a bandit in Metrica andsecond dropped off of Vic the Iron. Not sure if that’s supposed tohappen, but I’ll take the head start!

    • Gameguard

      You sure you didn’t get one before reset and one after?

    • Alismora

      Same for me, only the first one came from a random bandit Ikilled and the second from a different champ. It was 2 hoursafter server reset for me, so I’m not sure what happened.

  • George Smith

    what makes you sure you can only get 1 encoded orders a day?

    • Gameguard

      I farmed 1 hour stright bounty and mobs only got one order eachday

      • Damonwex

        Can confirm this.

      • Whatever

        I farmed 2 hours and got none

    • Answerer

      Intended design is 1 EO per day, but as we know, intended designis not always working as intended ingame.\But since there’s no real profit in having multiple EOs on oneday, I doubt anet will bother to fix it, or persecute playerswho find a second one. At best they might make the Captainunresponsive after he’s given a bounty

  • nadrian3k

    What i don’t like about these is, if you don’t get the info fromhere or get lucky and are in an area with those specific mobs tokill, the chances of finding out about this event are slim to none,because there are no ingame-indications of them. At least i haven’tseen any of them.

    • umbriel84

      Don’t you get an ingame mail?? At least I did but, cough,haven’t read it… XD

      • nadrian3k

        I didn’t get an email/ingame notification for either theprevious one or this one. All i got in mail since the patchfor this one was :\1. Money back for a PvP tinket thing\2. A notification that they fixed some kind of title bugwith Closer to the Slums or whatever and that they removedit because i wasn’t eligible to receive it. Didn’t even knowit was a thing.

    • Doublemint Dave

      Eh? I mean, yeah, if you’re completely oblivious, then you couldpotentially miss the whole thing, but anyone who reads theupdate notes (either on wiki or official forums), in-game mails,twitter, reddit, or whatever other outlet Anet uses tocommunicate to their players should have noticed their hintsabout bandits. From there on it’s pretty straightforward. Andeven if you miss all that, there’s a fair amount of buzz in theplayer community in general, so it would be somewhat incredibleif you managed not to catch wind of what’s happening at all.

      • nadrian3k

        I an not oblivious. I just have real life stuff to do and iuse/play a game to relax not to do intensive search forstuff that should be clearly shown INGAME….and not dodetective work on third party websites to search for thisgame’s f*cking content. Do you even realize how retardedyour suggestion is?

        As if this game’s content wasn’t scarce i haveto read and search on god knows what sites instead ofappearing as a quest or a message ingame. That’s your ideaof “progression” in the gaming industry. G f*cking G.

        • A Niny Mouse

          Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to actuallywrite that out here on the dulfy comment section? Themeer fact that you’re even here, on,complaining in the comments, means you’re exactly NOTwho he was referring to. So you’re entire rant just nowwas really “retarded”. Its like you’re complaining forthe sake of complaining and you’re offended becausesomeone said something that wasn’t even about you.

          You’re literally complaining because you claim itsimpossible to find info on new content (barely content)on a website where you clearly found info on said newcontent.

          • nadrian3k

            Yes i am here because this is the place to find outabout these things. Does that make it normal?Absolutely not. The fact that i am here as youperfectly said is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous. I shouldn’thave to come here looking for info that should bedisplayed in the game.

            I fully agree with you there.

            • A Niny Mouse

              Again, you’re so upset because… well I can’treally figure it out. You’re mad because youfound info about 3 small achievements added tothe game on a website that you clearly frequent,but that you could have/might have/maybe sortabut 100% didn’t miss out on? So again,complaining for the sake of complaining.

              • nadrian3k

                I am complaining about ANet not giving me aclear message ingame when they add playablecontent (regardless if it’s small). Insteadof finding out there’s a new event going on,from within the game… i have to find outabout it from a third party website.

                If that seems normal to you and if you thinkthat’s “complaining for the sake ofcomplaining”..i am sorry but i will end thisdiscussion with you here because we havedifferent views on what’s normal and what’snot.

              • Rydralain

                I think that the little side events herearen’t major enough to justify in-gamenotices. It’s just some extra flavor in theworld. You aren’t missing a lot if you neversee it, just like you aren’t mission out ifyou don’t do every even in every zone in thegame – it’s a big world, and maybe you misssome stuff.

              • Julia Oceania

                I haven’t been playing this game all thatlong, 7 or so months, and I see your point.I’ve learned that if there is a patch thatis a good sign that there maybe some newcontent and I should wander over to the GW2official page and read the developers notesand other news. Often there’s just new gemstore stuff, but I find it is worthwhile tolook into it. Should you have to? No, but itisn’t like you have to do it every singleday, as this stuff comes with patches, get amessage that there is a new build for yourgame available and it takes a long time todownload, that means new content.

              • Ivan

                good point, but honestly if anet wasn’t sobent on making events and rewardstime-limited, none of us would be herehaving this discussion. sure they fixedthings with living story season 2 beingaccessible through gems and logins, but thatshouldve really been permanent stuff for thegame. Idk, just a gripe I have with GW2.

                especially since achievement points are nowused to discriminate against players and theentire game is supposed to be horizontalprogression (which isnt the case anymoresince they introduced ascended armor, Istill hate the tier even though I have fullygeared chars), temporary content is moreannoying/chore/grindy than fun

              • Aruthawolf

                Just a query but do you also have a gripewith Exotic armor?\Because I once tried to go to a cof path 2in a newly leveled necro to get cof exoticsand was kicked for having mostly rares.Maybe rare should have been the topHorizontal tier?

              • Ivan

                Good point, but no, I dont. Consider howeasy it is to obtain exotic armour, so thefocus becomes on getting one full set, thenanother set, and so on. The goal by then isto get new skins. I don’t have a problemwith legendaries either because they arejust that, legendary. I don’t have anyintention of getting one but stats wise theyare fine the way they are.

                necros were in a bad pve state when dungeonrunning was a thing (not enough dps comparedto other professions), so ppl tended to shyaway from them and rangers. They only eversaw a few months of viability after abalance patch and then they nerfed dungeons.

                At the end of the day you were just unlucky.I have joined groups by showing them my raregear or even Pvt exotics and we’ve done runswithout anyone complaining (admittedly I washolding the group back with lower thanoptimal DPS).

    • Alot

      I agree. They’ve gone overboard on obscuring in game events. Themail which explained the thing only gets delivered after youcomplete the stuff.

      What happened to good old faithful E?

      • nadrian3k

        I take it you also haven’t received a mail notifying you of“something going on” prior to finishing it?

        • Alot

          No, only afterwards.

    • Sty

      Players are quite good ingame-indications.

    • Emilee

      Everything thats going on in the game is part of the Log inscreen is it not? All patch notes, news, events are listed therebefore you click Log In, and then Play … at least thats what Ivealways seen … besides that , guild are always buzzing with thelatest news so .. I dont know how more “In Game” you can get? :/

      • Dennis Norris

        The only actual indication from anet was the patch noteswhich are not displayed on the launcher. 75% of thepopulation does not read the patch notes and “Reports ofbanditry have increased in Kryta.” isn’t exactly a goodclue.\That said it’s their choice to not read the patch notes tobe informed.

        • Emilee

          Fair enough 🙂 I always read them. Not really sure whypeople skip it. The pathces affect the whole community 🙂

    • Braghez

      They decided to not put info on those events/achievements in thenotes and so on to let players discover them on our own andshare the infos they find on side like reddit/dulfy/officialforum etc. They only leave hints to those. Like in the firstpart with leylines the patch notes talked about ley line energyleaking and dragon’s minions interested in them. and you had tohunt dragon minions for the lodestone. Now with bandits therewas the message “Reports of banditry have increased in Kryta.”.Which is a clear hint to “hunt bandits down and you will findsomething”.

      If you notice even the achievement section was hidden till youbring the lodestone to Ela Makkai…and now it’s the same sincethe achieves are hidden till you do them.

  • Sinis

    I can definitely confirm that this is a once a day thing forbounties. Once the daily log-in time arrives then you can do out anddo it again. Pretty much a daily for the time being.

    • Julia Oceania

      We only get one bandit a day, but unlimited achievement pointfor doing it every day, like transmuting gear?

    • Ian noble

      Set against that, I can confirm that it’s NOT necessary to waitfor the appropriate bounties before killing bosses for the “LongArm of the Light” achievement.

      (I just got fed up of waiting for a bounty on Vic the Iron, sowhen the bounty I was offered wasn’t for him I went to help killhim anyway. He dult went down, and my “Long Arm” achievementcompleted. 10 minutes later I killed the boss who my bounty wasactually for, and was awarded credit on the repeatable “BountyHunter” achievement.)

  • Alismora

    I was able to get 2 Encoded Orders when I started this. I logged onabout two hours after server reset to get my dailies and decided Iwould get started on this.

    After I brought the first set of EOs to Ralan, he gave me a bountyto complete. After killing the first bandit, Aerl the Silent, hedropped another set of EOs after I looted his chest. I went back toRalan, he gave me another bounty for Flyrra the Remorseless.

    I completed it and received credit. 1/3 Bounties Completed for theBounty Hunter Achievement as well as Tip of the Blade within 30mins.

    I don’t know if this was a glitch?

    • Rimpel

      this just happened to me too btw

    • Answerer

      The intended design is one EO per day, ‘nevertheless’ Anet doeslook up to Bethesda and tries to be a glitchy as they are. sofinding more than EO isn’t exactly out of the question, and theymight not even bother to fix it since its not really breakingthe game

  • Lord

    Hi Dulfy, Bounty Hunter Achievement has a cap at 30.\So it will be reach in 18 days.

  • Jeffry Suputra

    once per day, i feel dumb to waste my time for 1 hour to get anotherencoded order :/

    • Answerer

      if it takes you an hour to get an encoded order.. you ‘might’not be fighting bandits. it usually takes me only 2 or 3 killsto get one. IF the very first kill doesn’t outright drop one.drop rates are like 80-90% of the kills or something

      • Jeffry Suputra

        you get me wrong :3 i already finish one and i look foranother encoded order because i didn’t know that it onlyonce per day before read this articles :/

  • Answerer

    I’m curious for next round:\Grawl are gathering, this is never a good sign!

    – Find worshipping sites of Grawl\– Defeat Shadow Thether that the Grawl worship\– After breaking all 5 shrines > Find the Corrupted Grawl Shaman\– Kill Grawl Shaman > kill Fallen Margonite Reaper

  • Larry Martin

    Does the repeatable “bounty” achievement go on forever, or is theresome ending date it will go away?

    • who cares

      says +xx/30 ap so do it 6 time for ap. dulfy should add that toguide…

  • katerdid225

    I completed this and got 5 mastery points. Isn’t a Tome of Masteriessupposed to only grant mastery xp? I’m not complaining, I’m justconfused.

  • nadrian3k

    Q: I know some of the “infite” achievements have an AP cap. Is theresuch a thing for “Bounty Hunter” ?…like…even if you repeat it 100times, you only get AP until u reach 30 times (just an example)

  • vladsch

    Am I the only one not able to get Ruye? I’ve got several times thesame ol same other champs but Ruye, and I can’t complete theachievement. This is annoying…

Bandit Bounties Event Guide - Dulfy Reborn (2024)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.